Thursday, August 22, 2019

You Need A Will #NationalMakeAWillMonth

August is #NationalMakeAWillMonth and although every day and month" is some "day or month, but this month is an awesome reminder to us all. WE NEED WILLS! And, our dependents need for you to have a will.

Many do not have a will, and that is not good. Those that depend on you and what you intend to leave them, upon your passing, will more than likely suffer, as a result. Your heirs will probably have to sit in a court room, as probate court will decide where and to whom gets what!

Probate court, lawyers, and other fees will eat at the funds, that may be also in place. Hopefully life insurance is in place, that passes to the beneficiaries without the requirement of probate court. While most life insurance policies pass to beneficiaries tax-free, going through probate court and dealing with lawyers and governmental fees is also like a tax!

There are items in this article below, that could help you plan. Although, a large majority of Americans do not need estate plans, there are items within estate planning, that all Americans do need! Wills are one of those items.

Also, check out this article from Protective Life, a company that we utilize, commonly, in planning on a monthly basis. This is for preparing a will, as a parent:

Take advantage of this month's reminder, begin your preparation this week. Your dependents will thank you later, you will thank yourself later. 

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