Wednesday, August 14, 2019

You need #lifeinsurance and another reason why and The 3 E's!!

Legacy means a great deal, to a great deal of people. Unfortunately, too many times this is not the case with life insurance and estate planning. From our original post:

we talked about life insurance is not purchased for you and while you are living, it is purchased for final expenses and people who count on you, while you are alive!

Having an ego, being stubborn, and a close-minded approach to proper planning for your death, is unacceptable. Possessing a minimal amount of life insurance to cover final expenses, debt, and providing loved ones with money to adjust to your passing is beyond unacceptable, it is almost inhumane!

To see an adult possess such a disregard for planning, peace of mind, and legacy is mind-boggling. Your loved ones should be allowed to grieve when the 'if' happens, and it will happen, just depends on the when!

Personally, have sat in a meeting with a husband, who said, "I don't care what happens, when I die." The really unfortunate thing is, his wife of 21 years was sitting next to him. Recalling of another situation, which the husband decided to wait on purchasing a policy, and was later diagnosed with Stage 4 Cancer. The couple needed a death benefit that, after performing the needs-based analysis, it showed a $250,000 and the husband only had $22,000.

Many times, the naked eye can evaluate the situation and see debt and poor financial habits are a major reason of a lack of proper planning and necessary insurance. As an agent, and planner, all you can do is Evaluate, Educate, and Endorse (The 3 E's). At the end of the day, people are going to do what they want to do, regardless of who they hurt.

Begin with the end in mind. Get professional consultation, and properly plan. Building a legacy, leaves no room for other options. Thanks for reading!

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