Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Inside your auto policy, do you really know what Accident Forgiveness means?

Accident Forgiveness

For many, accident forgiveness can be a wonderful thing. Usually, a forgiving, one-time benefit with insurance companies, accident forgiveness can partly erase a bad memory. For the most part, the companies that offer accident forgiveness do a good job. But, for even those companies that do a good job, do they explain everything involved in the policy? 

The answer to an insurance company explaining a benefit, and all that is entailed, is almost certainly not. You probably have a higher chance of winning a cake at a Catholic fundraising picnic, or at least a better chance than I do!

In all seriousness, the chances of being explained everything in the accident forgiveness benefit, in your policy, are low. And, if you are given an explanation about accident forgiveness, what are the chances the explanation was correct? 

I would go as far as to predict, many sales managers at highly recognizable companies cannot explain to a consumer what all is entailed in an accident forgiveness benefit of your policy. Truth is, accident forgiveness is relatively new to insurance companies, and agents.

One thing you may not know about accident forgiveness, as it pertains to who qualifies on a policy...teenage drivers and even adults, who have not been on the policy for a specified amount of time (as much as one year), do not qualify to receive the benefit of accident forgiveness.

What is sad for auto policyowners, many discover this, after the fact of having the accident. Even sadder, it is these policyowners who believed in the company, the benefit, and probably the agent but it is also the time they need the benefit the most. Who wins? The insurance company!

Bottomline? Ask questions, and do not accept 1/2 of an answer, do not stop until you have the complete and factual answer from the agent and insurance company.

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