Sunday, June 30, 2019

What type of #insurance plan do I need? Begin with the end in mind!

What type of life insurance plan do I need?

Consultations and evaluations by professionals are not always opportunities to increase sells. For many, it is the foundation for clients and where the introduction of your needs meets the practical and professional feedback and analysis.

What sets our agency apart from others is our company culture and mission. Professional and practical feedback and analysis provided, has been woven into it a needs-based selling platform. Needs-based selling platform only means, the client is getting what they need, not what helps the commissions of the company or agent involved.

So, what type of insurance plan do you need? That is a question that has many different answers, for many different people. We take an estate planning approach, and that benefits the client because we begin the process, consultation and analysis with the end in mind.

For all clients, there exists so many factors intertwined into the equation of the plan, that giving one cookie cutter or template answer, does not align with our culture or approach. Our focus is on the client, his or her experience and the end-goal.

My mentor devoted a great deal of time ingraining the importance of doing what is best for the client. Now that I have launched a new agency, that focus has not wavered. Talk with your agent, or give us a call. If it is your agent, challenge him or her to provide the service and expertise you need, and make sure they listen instead of talk.

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