Monday, June 10, 2019

Captive vs. Independent #Insurance Agents?

I must disclose, first, that there are many great captive agents, who work for very reputable insurance companies and they do a tremendous and professional job, for their clients. Yes, as with several things in life, there are bad ones, who make it hard for others. Same could be said for independent agents.

What are two types of #insurance agents? Why is it important to know the difference? In the industry of insurance, there are captive and independent agents. Captive agents, while many are very good at what they do, and conduct business on behalf of major insurance companies, they are restricted as to the companies they represent.

Those major companies restrict what companies they can write business for and the rates for those companies could not work to your advantage. Another practice of some captive agents is, what I refer to as, pushing policies. Often times these particular agents do not sell on a needs-based structure. The client can suffer.

An independent agent may represent a wide variety of companies and are able to shop those insurance companies to locate a good policy, at a very competitive rate. Caution, cheapest is not always best with insurance. Any agent can strip out additional coverage levels to lower the premium and then show you a comparison that looks cheaper.

An example of lowering coverage levels, to offer a cheaper premium can be found on t.v. & radio and to compare only take about 15 minutes. You probably see that on social media and hear it on your favorite podcast, all the time. One thing you won’t see with Advocate Insurers, we do not push policies.

We do consultative, needs-based selling to ensure the client gets only, what they need, while minimizing risk. Give us a call, send a direct message on social media, or shoot us an email and we’ll represent you and your family, the manner in which you should be represented. It is our guarantee.

Insurance | Retirement | Planning

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