Monday, May 6, 2019

What is your #family #legacy?

Advocate Insurers, as part of our culture, is designed to help educate our clients throughout the insurance process and various stages of their lives. Today, we will look at the legacy you want to leave behind for your most valuable assets, your family.

What is your #family #legacy? Most of us REALLY love our spouse and children. Most of us, want them secure, protected and to have every opportunity to live a long and prosperous life!

We know that when we leave this earth, how much time we spent at the office, shop or agency really won’t matter.

What will matter is what the quality of life we will leave behind, for those loved ones. The result of that quality, will be our legacy!

Will they be able to mourn sour passing, without worrying about how the mortgage will be paid, or schooling paid for, in the near future?

That is the legacy I am working extremely hard at making sure is sound. I do not want pass debt onto them, I don’t want them to worry, and certainly want them to maintain their quality of life after I pass.

My family is my legacy. The service and value my agency brings to our clients, is my responsibility and part of my legacy.

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