Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Families & widows without enough #lifeinsurance #estateplanning #LIAM18

In insurance, there is not much that is sadder than sitting down with a widow, and possibly the family, after experiencing a death of the breadwinner. What adds to that sadness is if the deceased expired without having or having enough life insurance and/or proper estate planning. 

At a time when the spouse that is left behind should be grieving, having an emotional focus, this spouse has to sort through finances, figure out how to afford final expenses, and to how to continue to pay bills. As the spouse sorts, figures, and plans to pay bills, now he or she must do it without the deceased spouse's pay check. 

Taking a small amount of time, personally, this real-life scenario could have been avoided. Avoiding this scenario could have been a direct result of sitting down with a professional life insurance agent and applying for a simple life insurance policy. Maybe a simple $100,000 policy could have taken care of final expenses, and helped the widow and family to possibly pay off balances and most importantly, focus on grieving. 

We have all experienced death, one way or another. What is also probably true is that most have heard the grieving is the closure that we all need to live and move on, as part of a healthy life. 

What should you do? What should be your next step, if this scenario may be possibly like yours? Contact a life insurance professional, and if you are in the Indiana and Kentucky area, give the professsionals at Advocate Insurers a call.  

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